Old 05-29-2014, 03:33 PM
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Alaska
Posts: 25

I have told people, only a few, that I'm color blind and it's amazing what lot of people think color blindness is. I try to make myself believe that maybe, just maybe they ruined a good percentage of their brain cells as teenagers by drugs and that's what makes them say such stupid things and although that may be a possibility chances are it's not highly likely. At times it's hard for me to understand how in the world can people see that as being one color when it isn't, or is it? It can get confusing because a few times when I asked someone what color something is because I'm color blind someone will tell me that the other woman must be color blind too cause that is not what she said it was, that's so and so.... Another hard thing is when you say to select a fabric that has multiple colors in it, even when trying to match the colors up using the fabric it takes me forever and a day cause I look at it and run around looking for the say blue that's in the fabric but it isn't blue, I don't know what it is, I mean in my mind I usually think I do know but I guess I don't. At the end you wrote "and how would we know? You are so right !!! Thank You...
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