Old 05-30-2014, 01:48 PM
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Alaska
Posts: 25

Your friend is def. color blind she however has the most severe form of color blindness. Last night I received an email on this site asking me if I was sure I was color blind instead of maybe not knowing how to match colors. Perhaps I took it wrong, I don't think I did but I took it as an insult. I'm color blind not stupid. I took the time to look up the medical definition of color blindness and not being able to see colors at all is the most severe form. What I read is that color blindness in the simplest way of explain t is that color blind people tend to see colors in a limited range of hues and again the most severe see no colors at all. I have no problem asking for help but I think there may be a lot more people out there who don't know they are color blind.
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