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Old 05-31-2014, 04:27 AM
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Originally Posted by MaryMo View Post
Getting old is tough! If I had known ten years ago that I would have this much trouble now, I would have done more to keep limber. My nurse practioner advises me to enroll in a yoga class; I've tried the yoga videos but not making much headway. And I used to walk 2 miles each day, now just going around the block is about all I can do before the knees start giving out. I tried water aerobics for people with arthritis and that was the most helpful so I hope to get back to it next week now that school is out. It gets disheartening some days ......
Yoga has helped me SO much! I just take the gentle yoga to get a good stretch. I do a few downward dogs, but I don't want to do many sun salutations or any of the upside down poses. I'm upfront about that when I meet the instructor. My first instructor kept ignoring me and telling me I could and should do it. I stopped going to her - I know my limitations and no one is going to get me to stand on my head!! I've also stopped walking on cement. I walk on dirt, grass, trials through the woods, etc. If I walk on cement I can really feel it in my joints and all the way up my spine.

A 1 lb. gain for me for May, , but June is a new month. I'm reading Salt, Sugar, Fat: How the food giants hooked us by Michael Moss. Has anyone read that? I also ran into a neighbor who just returned from living overseas for 4 years. Both of these things encouraged me to go buy some organic vegetables. It's just hard to cook during the week when I come home so tired. It's easier to microwave frozen vegetables during the week. I think I'll save the fresh for weekends and frozen for during the week.

Here's to healthy choices today!
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