Thread: Smelly fabric
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Old 06-06-2014, 04:23 AM
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Default Smelly fabric

I'm looking for suggestions on how to get odor out of fabric that has been stored. Someone brought in a ton of fabric to the give and take table at guild this week. For the most part it was strips, completed blocks, strip sets etc. Not something that could be washed at this point. It came from an elderly neighbor who has had to give up sewing so is getting rid of all of their things. Given the colors in the fabric it is not new but still very good condition and very usable. It has an odd smell however. Somewhere a cross between dirty socks, musty, pet. It's not overpowering, just there. I don't want to store the fabric with my other until I get the smell out and have other projects in the hopper right now so can't devote time to sewing this fabric together and quilt it so I can wash it. I'm also not sure I can get the smell out so don't want to invest the time in a quilt if I can't. What have other people used to freshen up fabric scraps?
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