Old 06-13-2014, 06:16 AM
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Location: West Columbia, S.C.
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Default Judy Neimeyer

Originally Posted by Chester the bunny View Post
Just the name Judy Neimeyer strikes fear in the hearts of many a quilters.............

But she has such an eye for color combinations and patterns. It was a good thing I didn't know much about her when I ordered my JN pattern (avatar). I consider myself an able quilter--not excellent by any stretch of the imagination, but able. I learn something new with each quilt and I read, study, search the internet and of course this board for tips and answers when I'm confused or blocked. I'm not intimidated by anything I haven't tried before. So have fun, and enjoy the experience and you'll be rewarded by a beautiful quilt and an enormous sense of satisfaction and pride in your accomplishment.
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