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Old 06-17-2014, 12:26 PM
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Posts: 376

Fat quarters are fabulously addictive things ! It is sooooo tempting to want to grab one of every thing you like. Be careful doing that though. If your quilts are mostly smaller quilts, or quilts with a scrappy look to them, you will be fine, just we warned that alot of patterns call for yardage over a single FQ !

When I first started building my stash, I went overboard with FQ's because there were soooo many options and I had that " Look how many different fabrics I got for $xx ! " mentality. Sure, I got ALOT of different patterns and prints, but they may not actually GO with each other outside a scrappy !

I find that I tend to purchase fat quarter bundles now more than singles, when I do get them. Otherwise I tend to watch the sales, and if I like something I get at least 2 yards of it !
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