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Old 06-18-2014, 09:52 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Ontario, Canada
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If it's sounding like a threshing machine ....... it might be as simple as taking it in for a good servicing with your dealer!

While I have not used a 1600, my understanding is that it is a true work horse and wonderful for FMQing. It just does the basic forward/backward stitches and not fancy work. Not sure how large the throat is??

I loved my Janome 6600 ..... and it is what got me hooked on FMQing. However, I found it limiting, as I was moving on to bigger pieces and did not enjoy the challenge of stuffing it thru the throat.

So no matter what make/model you consider, if FMQing is in your future seriously consider the throat size as a big part of your decision.
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