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Old 06-25-2014, 07:09 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Grants Pass, OR
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Originally Posted by AnnEliz View Post
Just remember, Debra, "Ever since the day you were born, you have been making an 'old' person." Sorry that you don't like old people. I can't stand screaming kids. Why do they have to scream to get attention and why do they need to have so much attention in today's world. It seems as if they have to be noticed and think they are the most important "thing" in the world. They MUST be seen and heard. This is my pet peeve and since I am old, I just LOVE old people and I love being OLD. lol and ha ha ha! Please don't get angry at me for saying this "stuff."
I agree. Too many spoiled kids making too much noise and indulgent grandparents with no common sense toting them around. My DH and I moved from Texas to Grants Pass and we love it here. Plenty of old folks who have led interesting lives and many who enjoy quilting. The weather is wonderful. Only one quilt store but bigger town within 30 miles with several stores. Sadly, we have a high transient population (more young indulged folks with no common sense) who feel they need to express themselves in ridiculous ways. So, I guess Grants Pass is not for you. PS: I love being old. It is the freest I have ever been. Retirement is awesome when you have planned in advance for it!
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