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Old 06-27-2014, 04:50 AM
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 13

My stash is like my tubes of paint.. when i have an idea for a project, i pull out the fabrics i think will be suitable, see how they all work together, and get going with my cutter.

like some of the others said, when i need tostart on a project, i need to start IMMEDIATELY .

Each fabric in my stash was chosen by me for the quality of the fabric, color and pattern if any. I have some pieces that were gifted to me, not my personal taste, but they can all be slotted in.

I rarely follow a pattern, and even if i do, i need to make it my own with my own fabrics.

I recently organized my stash as well. the 1/2 - 2 yards were all ruler folded and sorted and graded by color and occupy 6 shelves of a cupboard , the longer lengths were also ruler folded, but are in two deeper cupboards. when i went looking for 30 fabrics from three color familes, i found them all in my stash!

I also realized where the gaps were in my stash, so any future purchases will have to fit in there. not now though, 2014 is the year of Zero Stash Addition
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