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Old 06-27-2014, 05:37 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Sonoma County, CA
Posts: 4,299

My stash gives me warm fuzzies. I'm ready for the zombie apocalypse, I have enough fabric that I can stay safely indoors and sew while the zombies eat all my neighbor's brains. LOL

I buy fabric that I like when I see it because I know next time I go it might be gone. I have a list of over 40 quilts I want to make eventually, and usually fabric I buy gets mentally earmarked for one of those quilts.

Sometimes it's just because I have to have it...I love robots, for example, and novelty prints change so quickly! I have a whole collection of robot toys on my shelf above my desk at work and whenever I see robot fabric that isn't TOO childish, I buy it. I've made 2 robot quilts out of my stash that have gone to charity but the "best" robot fabrics I'm saving for a quilt for myself.

When I go on vacation, I buy fabrics as my souvenirs. I try to come up with a theme so they'll all go together. We went to Hawaii last year and of course I had to buy Hawaiian fabrics while I was there, enough for 2 quilts. I have those all together, waiting for me to get time to make them. I have a quilting road trip to Oregon coming soon; I have no idea what my theme is going to end up being but I fully intend to buy enough fabric on that trip for at least one quilt! And of course, any robot fabric I find along the way.
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