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Old 06-28-2014, 01:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Cheshirechat View Post
i've been thinking about getting a featherweight, does anyone have some links to some great sites with information about them? some of the stuff ive read has made the whole thing sound pretty intimidating...
Why do you want a featherweight? It seems to me that they have become a status symbol, an item of conspicuous consumption. When they work, they do make beautiful straight stitches, but you can buy a Brother at Wal Mart that will make lovely straight stitches and some pretty decorative stitches, also. And it won't weigh much more than the featherweight.

My friends who have featherweights do seem to love them, but they are always and forever working on them, fiddling with this adjustment or that adjustment.

If you do buy one, be sure that it is in good working order and that there is a machine repair person who can tune it up and keep it tuned up. And have fun with it. froggyintexas
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