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Old 07-17-2014, 05:56 AM
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Well, QB, I was ready to share my wonderful insights into "why a feather weight" but you have all be shared my ideas already. I was a hold out for a long time figuring the featherweight was just a fad and all about nostalgia. I must say that after seeing them and hearing the hum of a featherweight I was mildly hooked or at least interested if a good deal came along. I eventually purchased one actually just about 6 weeks ago. It is not perfectly beautiful, but it sews well, sounds quiet and "solid" and is small enough to travel to retreats and work days. What I like the most is it is simple. It stitches forward and backward. That is all. I leave it out in my sewing area and EVERYONE who come in asks something about it. Most want to know why I use the antique. I then can talk about my joy of quilting. How selfish is that?

Don't be pressured to buy a featherweight until YOU want one. Your life will be complete with or without a featherweight machine and if the machine you have serves your purpose, then sew on!
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