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Old 07-20-2014, 02:08 PM
Jeanette Frantz
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Join Date: May 2012
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I know what you're saying -- having two cervical spine surgeries, one of which was a reconstructive procedure, and back surgery just a little over a year ago. I cannot emphasize enough that you need to get up and move around every hour or so. Don't stretch the time to two hours either. Sitting in one spot so long is very detrimental to anyone who has neck and back pain. And yes, I have had numerous spinal injections, etc., as well as physical therapy. Furthermore, I still work full-time (I'm 69) and, until I had back surgery last year, I was a volunteer on the ham radio team of Emergency Management. I am no longer able to spend anywhere from one to four days in a shelter, sleeping on a mattress on the floor! If I got down on the floor on a mattress, I wouldn't be able to get back up! LOL! Besides, I've done that for 15 years.

When you have pain, your body is talking to you -- you have to take care of yourself -- that 10-15 minute break (or even less) will serve you well --- you just have to get up and move!

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