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Old 07-30-2014, 11:28 AM
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Location: Houston TX
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Hello all, and thank you very much for your helpful replies, especially to Prism99 for the starch hint. I will definitely try this method, it seems like it would be the best for me. When I lay the batting down, I lay the backing on top of it, then fold the backing in half on top of itself, spray about 8-10" of adhesive spray from edge to edge, and then smooth the backing over the adhesive sprayed section. Wash, rinse and repeat to end of fabric, then I go to the opposite end and repeat the process. I then flip this over so the other side of the batting is facing up and then put the quilt top over it and do the same process. Next time I baste a quilt, I will starch the heck out of it. I use the liquid starch and dilute it 1:1 with filtered water, and dry iron. I use mainly muslin for my quilt backings, I can get it on sale or with a coupon for $1 a yard. I say many times that quilting is NOT a cheap sport!

Speaking of quilting not being cheap, I'd best get back to my day job so I can afford to keep quilting! I can't wait to hear what other helpful tips show up.

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