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Old 08-02-2014, 03:23 PM
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Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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Wow, so much progress today! Thimblebug, I love that penguin with his guitar. so cute! And sewbizgirl, that quilt is looking great. I made one with those same blocks, but it had sashing between them. A very different look, without the sashing. I really like it!
Jeanne, the horse is lovely. You may not like applique, but it looks like you did a really good job of it.

I'm making progress on a couple of my projects. Another hour should finish tying off the ends of the custom quilt, so I can start quilting the blue one tomorrow morning. And I've made some progress on my Christmas Tree skirt. I'll show a picture of the pieces when I'm done for the night. Now, I'm not sure whether to head back up to the sewing room or go out for a walk to stretch my back. I probably should walk for a bit today.
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