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Old 12-29-2009, 08:06 AM
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Bikini Bottom
Posts: 5,652

Originally Posted by diannemc
Why is it when it comes to fabric I lose all cense of judgement...I went shopping with my DDs this morning and the last thing DH said was do not use the credit card for anything!..Well I DID!!! I couldn't help myself...I wanted the fabric so bad...I knew if I wrote a check he would see but the credit card he wouldn't see till next month!!! I am so horrible...I only get to the fabric shop once every 3 or 4 months and just couldn't miss this chance..I will tell him but just not I a bad person!!I do have an addiction....
Unless there are some sort of underlining financial issue this is BS!

I have never complained about my wifes spending and she has never said the first thing about mine. She handles all of the banking and money in the house so she knows whats there or not.

This has always been one of my pet peeves about marriage spouses telling each other what they can do or not do. :evil: That never happens in this house!!

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