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Old 08-03-2014, 06:55 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: South Lyon, MI
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Originally Posted by djmat
Car sticker of a guy friend..."Smile for the camera!" silver dot in the middle of black circle. Corvette never stolen.
Another friend, widowed mother going through chemo, apartment had been robbed 2 or 3 times. One summer her radiologist gave her oldest son (7 yrs old) Radioactive sticker during one of her treatments for behaving so well in the lobby & "helping" his mother. He put the sticker on the apartment front door storm glass, voila! no more burglars! Oh, she has been in remission for 10 years! She has said many times that the sticker changed the direction of her life in so many ways!
We have a dog bowl just outside the back door that we fill with water, "KILLER" is etched on it in BIG letters (bad guys don't see a dog in the yard & think the dog must be IN the house, so they go away. Our beagle in the house would only want to play. Not too many approach our place because our daughter wears a federal officer uniform and has a 1,000 yard stare that scares even me!
Love the 1,000 yard scare! lol
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