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Old 08-04-2014, 07:57 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 114

Originally Posted by greyhounder
We mostly use pork on the bogrács, for gulyás or pörkölt (basic meat stew). Sometimes deer, but beef is too expensive here.
beef is really expensive to be putting in comfort food dishes. For us deer is plentiful and cheap, it was in our backyard growing up and even now where we live deer is readily available, i just might not be able to shoot it from the porch. Lol. We didnt have much pig where we were in the hills but I could see it as a staple in the plateaus and lowlands where the land supported happy pigs.

i cant imagine macaroni and veg in the dish, but hey it is only because I have not ever seen it before.
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