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Old 08-19-2014, 11:43 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Lowell, MA
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I think I would find a small print for the focus fabric, with the colors you plan to use, and make that the center of the Dresden Plate. You could also use the focus fabric for the sashing and could use cornerstones of each of the colors used in the plate. Eleanor Burns has a great pattern for the Dresden Plate, that I used for a family reunion quilt, the only colors I had control over were the background and the center of the plate, the remaining colors came from fabrics sent by family members. I've been told by several of my family members that it was the best reunion quilt I had ever made, although by choosing blue and being sent all medium blue prints, all coordinated as if I had chosen them. Too bad I didn't get to bring it home with me. Oh well, maybe I'll win a quilt one of these years, but I enjoy making them, especially working with fabrics I might not normally use. Congratulations on your DGD getting married and you have a year to complete the quilt.
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