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Old 08-21-2014, 04:40 AM
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Waxahachie
Posts: 15

My husband and I joined WW in January this year with another neighborhood couple. The men are at their goal weights and are lifetime members now. My girlfriend is within 10 pounds of her goal weight. I've lost 35 pounds and am at the halfway mark now. The loss has been slow (probably a lot to due with my age - 65) which is healthier for me. The program encourages a balanced diet, exercise, slow losses, and behavior changes. The weekly weigh in and group meetings are key - they provide support, new ideas and continuous celebrations of weight journey accomplishments. I am confident that I will attain my goal weight and overcome my adult weight issues finally! As you can see, I'm a great proponent of WW after trying a multiple of other avenues unsuccessfully over the years.

PS With regards to all the fruit comment - WW (at my home location, as well as guest locations I've attended). does encourage moderation in the "free" foods - fruits and certain veggies. After all, these foods contain calories too.
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