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Old 08-25-2014, 07:56 AM
Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Haslet, TX
Posts: 4
Default Darning Foot for a Kenmore 117-959

This is my second time to post. I have my grandmother's Kenmore 117-959. It is in great condition (the cabinet, not so much), save for the rigged motor pulley tire (someone fixed it a long time ago with a bobbin tire - I've ordered the correct part). The presser bar was frozen, but I was able to use penetrating oil and patience and get it moving again.

Once I get the little maintenance things done, I plan to use this machine for making quilts.

I've ordered about several sets of Greist attachments from ebay - I've wound up with one set that fits, one set that has the smaller top clamp notch, and one set that is a mixture of both sizes of top clamp notches. I think I might have a good representation of a set based on all of these pieces.

My grandmother's buttonholer was not a top clamping buttonholer. I know she used this because I witnessed its use on many occasions. My mother also used it. I am confused by this because it is not a top clamp attaching thing, it is a side clamping screw thing.

Anyway, my question: I am looking for a darning/FMQ/embroidery foot. So far, I cannot seem to find one. The quilting attaching with the Greist set appears to be really good for quilting that is not FMQ. The only FMQ feet I can find are side attaching. Does anyone know of a foot good for the purpose of FMQ that will fit on this machine? Would a low shank side clamping foot fit, perhaps there is an adapter? I've searched the forum and google and everywhere else and I just can't find anything other than someone suggesting I change the presser bar to a side clamping presser bar. I'm not sure that is possible, but if it were, I could do, but why.
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