Thread: Family Quilt
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Old 12-30-2009, 01:22 PM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: East Central Indiana
Posts: 68

Originally Posted by gabeway
The quilt involves putting seven strips together on one set and 6 strips of other colors. Then triangles are cut out of each set of strips. My son and I started it and did all the cutting the first night and then worked every night on it after my grandson went to bed. With my wife helping, each of the three of us put in about 40 hours that first week. After my son left Gabriele and I took over and easily put in another 100 hrs each. We called it our midnight madness quilt, but in the end it was worth it. The pattern is called Midnight Sun and was in the Fons and Porter Sep/Oct 2008 magazine. I guess we weren't far off in name! LOL We hope to finish the counterpart quilt in the spring.

And to think... here is another Male quilter.. girls these men are showing us up for sure... what a gorgeous quilt.. love it, great job... you go 'guys'!!
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