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Old 08-29-2014, 09:57 PM
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 15

Can't help you with the stains, sorry. I have some quilts that my Grandmas left me, one that my Grandma left me that was made by my Great Grandma. I have them in a cabinet with glass front in my living room. They are not in direct sunlight and I take them out & refold them from time to time. I want to be able to enjoy seeing those gorgeous quilts. Good luck finding a product that works and enjoy them. PS - My mom gave me a quilt made for her by her grandma and it was used like a bed quilt - so terribly worn but she couldn't part with it. She gave it to me to use maybe as a cutter quilt but I haven't been able to do that just yet. I had a couple of quilts given to me over my years as a girl from my Grandma same thing - didn't think about the hard work , just used them like a blanket! Whoa is me on that mistake! Anyway, good luck to you!
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