Old 09-01-2014, 08:40 AM
daisywreath's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 7

I'm trying out this method on a 15-91 that had a pretty messed-up clear coat. I've gotten as far as going over it with linseed oil & denatured alcohol, and so far it looks like it's doing it a lot of good -- the clear coat has smoothed out a lot. The first instructions I saw were the ones in this thread which said to let it sit for a day to let it cure. When I checked on it yesterday it was still pretty tacky to the touch. Today it's better but still has some tacky areas.

Am I doing something wrong to cause this, or am I supposed to apply the shellac now even though it still feels tacky? I think I followed the instructions closely but it's the first time I've tried this and might have messed something up. It's inordinately humid here -- could that be keeping it from curing properly? Any advice is much appreciated!
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