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Old 09-07-2014, 07:39 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Elkhart IN
Posts: 226

I agree with the others, if you have the gumption, sell it on Ebay or Etsy, or even easier, there is a huge yahoo group called Sew Its for Sale, it costs you nothing but time to post an email and maybe a photo or two. I sell lots of my excess things there. All you have to do is sign up for a yahoo email addy, if you dont have one already. Also you can sell the things here as well. I am working my way up to that status. Also there is a board here that is all about charitable donations needed, if I am not mistaken?

I am celebrating my 64th birthday this month and I have been slowly selling my things. Even my sentimental items (like my antique quilts, found on trips with friends, a $1 raffle quilt I won, etc). I find if I have several good photos of it that I can go to anytime I want, its easier to let them go. I know my only child will certainly not want all of this to deal with! Shes my gypsy child who moved from one side of the country to the other for 15 yrs and if it didnt fit in her car, she didnt take it! My mom, also a quilter passed a few years ago, it was horribly hard work to go through all of her things and deal with them. You could donate them as well, there is always someone who is doing charity work that can use the fabric, threads, needles, etc. Good luck in your decision and use the money you make to buy what YOU want
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