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Old 09-15-2014, 07:35 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 155

that is how they justify charging us so much for postage anymore. And I sent my grandson his birthday present and some little things for his sister, then I sent a few little things in a separate box to my daughter for my other granddaughter, they live approx. 15 miles apart. The post office sent them both out on same day, my daughter got hers in a week, my son never got theirs. I contacted post office, my daughter in law had mailed them for me and she saved the receipts with tracking for a week and just thought they got them and threw them away. So all in all, another 2 weeks and nothing. Then one day, I get a letter in mail from post office with all the to and from address labels from the box, the postage from the box, and the tracking number cut off and a letter saying they were sorry but the box got destroyed. OK, so where is the stuff, couldn't they shove it in a box and send it along it's way? NOPE, I am just OUT all that stuff, all the money it cost me to ship, etc. and the presents GONE. No service anymore. they wanted me to list everything and send it back to them and they would try to find it. NOTHING not one word after that. Still fuming over it cause I don't have much money in the first place and then all the kids stuff just gone. I wonder if some little kid somewhere is playing with my grandson's birthday presents. Sorry, I am just a little bitter over it. LOLLOL
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