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Old 09-24-2014, 05:08 AM
Cecilia S.
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 670
Default Colour and instructions?

Hi Rodney and all,

I've not been on QB since Steve left (that whole thing left such a bad flavour for me, I just found I was not motivated to come by with my morning coffee anymore...). However, another QB-er just emailed me to let me know of this project, so I just logged in this morning.

Rodney, this is so thoughtful and kind of you, I am almost at a loss! I am in the middle of a huge deadline with work, and I have put a moratorium on all things sewing until later in the autumn... BUT, I would love to try to contribute to this project in time. It can't be -too- hard, can it? Or can it? Now is confession time, and I may get kicked off QB myself for saying this:

I have never cut or sewn a quilt square. (Sigh! Gasp! Shock all around!!!!) Yep. I have sewn other things, but never a quilt square. So, I have a few questions:

1) Is there any colour scheme that we are to stick to, other than a white square in the middle?
2) Can someone tell me what are the standard dimensions for each square? And then, do you sew a true 1/4 inch seam, or a scant 1/4 inch?
3) In what order does one sew the nine pieces; first make three rows of three, and then stitch those together? If so, then in stitching those rows of three together, in which direction do the seams get pressed before they are sewn into the next seam? Butterflied open?

Yup. I've never even sewn a wee square. Still e-friends?

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