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Old 09-26-2014, 04:30 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Southern USA
Posts: 16,017

One of the best things I bought is several folding tables. The ones that fold up in the middle. They are easy to store and move. Two together is plenty for a large quilt. I found them at Lowe's.

I use Elmer's School glue. I add a tablespoon of water to the small bottle and it flows out. I apply it to the batting. I use to take a paintbrush and brush out any thick globs but realized I did that when I smooth the quilt top and backing. When I first started I put tiny dots of glue on the batting, now I squeeze squiggles and lines. I have no problem fmq with the glue but learned to not put glue right on the edge where I'll be hand sewing the binding.
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