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Old 09-28-2014, 12:57 PM
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 25

Thank you fr the replies.

im going to unpick the wonky stitching and use the hanging sleeve to tidy up the top.

I'll add a bit more quilting, I enjoy doing it so that's ok :-)

consulting my my husband...our system is that I source gifts and then if he's not happy with my choice then HE has to source a reaplcement. We do it this way bc also he's a wonderful man he used to be ultra perfectionist when it comes to gifts. He used to ask me to source gifts and then send me back to the shops again and again bc things weren't perfect until I cracked.
Last year he did all the gifts himself not bc I was being vengeful but simply bc he truly did not understand the pressure he was putting on me. The day after Christmas he begged me to be in charge of sourcing gifts from now on and if he really disagrees with my choice he can take over for that particular gift. Things are much smoother now for both of us.
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