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Old 09-28-2014, 05:55 PM
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JuneBillie's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: In God's Kingdom in Tennessee
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MizMelly that squirrel is so pretty. I have been trying to get the hang of paperpiecing. I have to rip out one piece again. lol... But it's fun in the process too.

Tlambing that last sneak peak is really something. You have us sitting on the edge of our seats now. lol...It's pretty!

Likethedog that mini is so pretty. Me and my husband both think it is like looking out a window, and seeing the changing leaves. That is a nice effect.

Rhonda I thought of my dad when you mentioned getting out your pumpkins and gourds. He always had lots of gourds to use as bird houses. Some he use to put up high for the Martins to nest in.

Bilben I am also curious about your avatar.

MizMelly that is a good picture of the tortoise. We had a run in with a big turtle by our yard a couple of years ago. The dogs kept barking so we went out to see what they were barking at. We suddenly seen him or her, and out come a big long head. lol.. It had such a prehistoric look about it. There is a hidden pond out from our land, but close where water naturally stays there, and I think that is where he came from. Snakes go there too for a drink. Yikes!

Great Work Everyone!!!!
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