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Old 10-02-2014, 02:16 AM
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Originally Posted by ywoodruff5 View Post
Wow....this is a touchy topic and I just have to reply but will try to be

I have a dog and both my DH and I smoke in the basement. Yes, pet dander can be a problem for people with allergies. But this should not be a problem if completed article is laundered or dry cleaned.

Smoke oder is simply an annoyance - and that comes straight from an allergist! This, too, can be alleviated with laundering. The flip side of the coin is fabric that is perfumed for those of us with perfume (musk) allergies.

I recently moved from CA to MN and joined a quilt guild to make new friends and enjoy the sharing. They meet twice a month and I was traveling 45 miles one-way to attend. At first I thought people were different in the midwest because no one seemed interested in getting together or "allowing" me to attend their retreats. Finally, a member took me aside and told me the reason was because I was a smoker. I explained that I don't smoke around non-smokers or at retreats. Her response was that I would still smell like smoke! I didn't reply (and no longer go to guild) but couldn't help but think about all the women who use perfume that I am allergic to and yet I never said anything - just tried to hold my breath or avoid.

Thank you for allowing me to vent!
Sorry to disagree with that Allergist, but smoke odor is not just an annoyance.
I have an asthma attack any time I am around smoke for longer than a very few minutes.
It took me a while to realize it, but every time I would visit a home with a smoker or go hear my brother's band play in a bar full of smoke, my chest would get tight, hurt, and I felt like I couldn't get a breath.

I will add I also have Lupus with secondary Sjogrens, and many "normal" smells make me sick. Sometimes not out of breath sick, but nauseated/vomiting sick.

We had a cat, she lived 18+ years, died 5 years ago this past Labor Day. She was the only pet I'd ever had. I was devastated when she died. And I used to make fun of people who would pay to have a pet buried, etc. That sure came back to bite me in the "patootie".

I didn't quilt nor have fabrics until after Buttons passed. We don't smoke nor allow it in our house.
My mom also lives with us, she's a lung cancer survivor of 10+ yrs, only has 1 lung and is on oxygen full-time.
She had been a smoker, had quit 3 yrs prior to the lung cancer diagnosis. My dad died from complications of COPD at age 62, two yrs prior to Mom's lung cancer diagnosis.

I participate in swaps here, and let people know we are a smoke and pet free home.
I also know that I may get fabrics/blocks from smokers. If I do, I immediately wash them.

No complaining, as I know when I sign up for a swap that it's a possibility, and if I was going to complain, then I wouldn't sign up to swap.

All of you with your fur babies, love on them, and enjoy them!

Anyone who smokes, I don't give advice, as I've never smoked. I will pass on advice from my mom: She wishes she'd quit years before she did, BUT she says she wouldn't listen to anyone, and she can't expect anyone to do something she herself didn't do.
I agree this is a touchy subject. But there are ways we can all discuss things, maybe agree to disagree, while being courteous.

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