Thread: How many?
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Old 10-03-2014, 12:41 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2013
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Dh hasn't chosen a pattern yet. Sending 2 baby quilts to my sister whose 2nd DGC is literally on her way as we speak. Water broke this morning. DIL only believes if the quilts weren't made by her side they deserve no respect. The quilts I'm sending; (1) repair and (2) panel that needs binding. It's going to my sister's house so she has something for both grandkids to play/lie on the floor or bed. Otherwise it would go straight to the dogs and cats. I gave one quilt to a niece for her baby and it ended up in a whelping bed. Then got pitched. I made a matching diaper stacker and one of the cats gave birth in it. I only do for those who I know would respect them.
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