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Old 10-09-2014, 05:17 AM
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Location: Cody, Wyoming
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Lynnie your always so positively open minded I know how creative you can get and think you will have a blast when you find out what your partner is hoping for. Its fun to start with an idea and expand on it isn't it?

One more day and this swap closes. Period. I will then sort each of your requests and find a partner for you. it might take me a couple hours I have 74 emails. some of those are double from one sign up who has added to her things I love list but I promise I will send you what I have received about your secret partner. I suggest also going back through these pages (there are not THAT MANY) and seeing what they might have posted to add to the things they like. some have only posted those wishes here and others ony in email so double check to be sure. it wont take long just look for posts they made. you can also go to their about me page and find the last few posts they made and check their. read the items about me they write. its another good way to get a glimpse into their lives and make it a bit more personal. This is a little gift that says something about the two of you and I bet will be enjoyed for a long time. ONE MORE DAY FOR SIGN UPS so get your PMS to me if you are interested!!! this should be a great swap and lots of fun posts to read, enjoy and respond to. I can not wait to see the sneak peak of what you end up making for your partner! little teases are fun because well no one knows who they are for...

I do not have an embroidery machine at all. Mine does oh 60 stitches but you cant call it embroidery per say. I have to embroider a few corn stalks today on a wall hanging and that will be interesting. lol. my hand work aint what it used to be! I did so many embroidered pillows growing up. I did petipoint ? needle point that was so tiny! and I loved it. now forget needlepoint! let alone itty bitty needle point. Embroidery hurts the hands so I do accent things mostly. still love it.

what hobbies do you have and enjoy? I love water color at times, reading and cooking a lot. I tried crocheting baby blankets. joke of the century. they start out one width then got wider and wider and wider.. I gave up. I found some brand new crocheted baby blankets at the bargain box here. OMG. 1.00 to 3.00 each. SOLD. yarn is way more expensive than that. wowsa. I quilt to forget life. I forget troubles, financial, physical everything when I quilt. its a grand way to just be me for a little bit. I will take that. oh yes I love decoupage and embellishments a ton.
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