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Old 10-09-2014, 08:23 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2011
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Originally Posted by Patchesnposies View Post
I'd like to join, but I am worried that my skill level is not up to par. Some mug rugs are incredible! I don't want my secret swappee to be disappointed that they got mine. I will, however, pledge to do my very best!!!
Please no worries!!
We all started somewhere.. And I know for me, I'm my own worst critic. I hope one doesn't sign up because they think their work won't be "up to par". This isn't golf, no "par" here. (Said with a giggle and also me picturing myself even remotely trying golf, talk about a mess ).
Everyone's work is BETTER than "par", because it's made with your heart. Can't go wrong there!!
Please, please, please anyone who wants to sign up, sign up! There's quite a few of us NMRM- "newbie mug rug makers"
I've never made a mug rug either, but there's a 1st time for everything... And if I wanted "perfection" I'd just go buy one at the store. Um, I guess that'd be a coaster, though.....

Rennie, I will keep your mom and you in my prayers. It's hard when Mom isn't doing well.
It was actually my hubby who suggested Mom move out with us. Yep, I have an amazing hubby! Mom likes to regale people with the fact "At least my son in law wanted me..." In her lil pitiful voice, while she's laughingly looking straight at me! She's a lil turkey!!
I know before we added on and my mom moved out with us (after my dad died) my dear hubby told us his only concern was we'd be living here for the duration. Meaning when/if something happened to Mom, or myself for that matter, as we never know, the other one of us would still be living here. He didn't want that to be an issue. At that time it was 2 yrs prior to Mom's cancer diagnosis. And my Lupus diagnosis. 12 yrs in, I just try not to "What if" things. I can get myself into some not good scenarios "what iffing??". So, I quilt and talk too much here on QB instead!
Oh, and my mom loathes She's always said she's so happy I love sewing like my Nanny (Mom's Mom), since she never wanted to learn. Mom is content to crochet and play Nintendo. Yep, Nintendo...

Regards all,

Last edited by kiffie2413; 10-09-2014 at 08:38 AM.
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