Old 10-11-2014, 06:59 AM
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yes, to everyone in doubt, there are 6 star blocks. Confused? Oh goodie!!!

gramquilter - really hate to say this but there seems to be an error in your blocks. None of the colors in the blocks should be used 3 times. I think your lower left is incorrect. It should be A-C not A-B. But if you used your blocks as you have made them the pattern will disappear. Can you fix this?

jeannie - so pretty

marcias - I will post probably around Jan 10th in the Blocks of the Week and Month section and will have the words mystery quilt train ride in the headline

Thanks to all for posting where to find the other mysteries

Belfry - aren't those tiddlywinks fun?

Ok, leaving for a bit to reread my directions for this week and crop and resize the picture. See you in a few.

Last edited by paintmejudy; 10-11-2014 at 07:14 AM.
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