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Old 10-14-2014, 05:08 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: New Orleans, La
Posts: 1,768

I'm finishing up my t-shirt quilt which is giving me issue's. UGH and taking a break reading all these threads. I get over whelmed with all the dif chats, so If you don't hear from me it's not that I'm not listening. I'm just not much of chit chatter. My secret partner lives way north of me. ( LOL, that's probably most of you). I know I didn't write much on my profile. I'm an anything goes kind of person. I did put my fabric choice, but other than that, make something you would like and I'm sure I'll love it cause it came from the heart and soul of you. Only one catch I'm not a big animal print fan, but I love all animals. We finally got some cooler weather last night, so thankful. I"m tired of sweating, but it won't last long I'm sure.
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