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Old 10-18-2014, 06:57 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Jacksonville, FL
Posts: 374

Wherever I goeth also goeth my Singer (not a chanter) Featherweight 2. And I taketh things I want to learn and/or practice. Not to mention the stuff I needeth for the lessons that I geteth out of the funny shaped "scrolls" which art used in learning today. It seems I hath membrance of their naming something like "magazines." My local chapman is a good source for needles and such and the tinker is a hand at sharpening my cutting implement. They all fit into a bag shaped by myself. It all keeps the time between roistering and sleeping productively filled.

And if you aren't certain I'm nuts by this time there's no help for either of us. It's been a lovely day and I refuse to let it go quite yet. Be silly with me? And, for pity's sake, taketh the sewing machine and all necessary accoutrements.

Enjoy your trip.

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