Old 01-03-2010, 09:08 PM
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Originally Posted by LucyInTheSky
Originally Posted by Tippy
I showed this to my roommate and he was stunned. He said he would love to see this one, Zelda and Mario done, then for you to post pics on the gamer sites and sit back and watch the reactions. He also thinks the pillow idea is beyond awesome.
The boyfriend actually runs a Metroid website - metroid-database.com which is at the top of a google search for "metroid" so I think the website is popular :) He posted a homepage announcement with the quilt and the other gamers were really shocked with it.

They were doing a "Make a Metroid" contest, meaning the little blobby things that a Metroid actually is. I wanted to enter since I made a "Metroid" ... the blue font at the bottom. No where in the rules does it say it has to be the creature metroid :D :D They said no

They are just afraid of the competition.. they know you'd skunk them.
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