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Old 11-25-2014, 04:38 AM
Janice B
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 3
Default Generations of quilting

Both maternal and paternal grandmothers were quilters…I remember sitting under their quilt frames begging to help…No quilters on my maternal side after Grandma that I know of…one cousin that I know of on paternal side!

Originally Posted by feline fanatic
Jan's fascinating post on this thread got me to thinking. I am the first quilter (that I know of) in my family. But I don't have a whole lot of family history.

My maternal grandmother died when my mother was a child and my paternal grandfather could give Liz Taylor a run for the money with how many times he divorced and re married . But I don't recall any of his wives being quilters. And my mom was definitely not a quilter. I know absolutely nothing about great grandparents or any generations preceding. so it is possible that I have quilters going further back and just don't know it.

So how many out there have generations of quilting in their families and if so do you know how many generations? How many of us are the first in our "line" to embrace the art?
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