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Old 11-28-2014, 10:07 PM
Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Victorian Sweatshop Forum
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Originally Posted by Neesie View Post
I also recently bought the Brother PE 770. I've been mostly 'playing' with my machine but have noticed that the tighter my fabric is in the hoop, the better the stitches are. Make sure the dryer sheet isn't stretching any, as the stitches are made.

I use the plastic, class 15 bobbins. Several came with the machine and they're the same as the type I use for my Janome.
There's a fine line between tight enough and too tight. If you hoop too tight, especially with a dense design, you run the risk of the stitches pulling at the weave and you end up with holes at the edge of your design. Hooping a thick item too tight also runs the risk of warping your hoop. Proper hooping takes practice, I've ruined more than one project and one hoop getting the hang of it. Lots of frustration at times but I knew it was my errors and not the machine. I finally found what works better for me most of the time with the 5x7 hoop is to hoop the stabilizer and float my project using spray adhesive(wovens) or sticky backed adhesive(knits) and a basting stitch.

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