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Old 11-30-2014, 01:38 PM
Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Victorian Sweatshop Forum
Posts: 4,096

Originally Posted by romanojg
I use lots of different threads on my Viking Diamond Deluxe, it has no problem with any. I even managed to get it to emb FSL using serger threads, I just changed my needle, doubled my WSS and slowed my machine down. Not all FSL designs need to be shinny, like things for my grandkids, etc. It works great once I figured it out. I rarely use my 4x4 hoop and have only started using my 5x7 since Viking came out with the magnetic one, its so easy. I will usually find several things to do at once and then use a large hoop.
My Janomes aren't fussy about thread either. Most of my FSL is done with cotton thread on doubled Vilene. I love Vilene and use it a lot.

About the hoops, when I bought my MC200e it only comes with the 5x5 hoop. Right then I ordered the little 2x2 hoop. Dealer was surprised I wanted it, most people want to go larger. I said I'm thrifty(read-cheap) and if I'm doing a tiny design I want to use the least amount of stabilizer. It was a good call because I've never had a tiny design stitch out bad no matter how bad I hooped the fabric & stabilizer.

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