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Old 03-14-2008, 09:17 AM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 10

No it does not have any lining to it. It does have a contrasting fabric on the inside. What am I to pin the contrast fabric to? All I started out with was the batting and the quilting fabric guide, which is a diamond design that is to be sewn on the bag. Nowhere did they say pin the contrasting fabric to the main fabric. Does anyone understand what I am trying to explain? Because I sure don't, but they are telling me to pin the contrast fabric to fabric with batting when I only pinned the batting to the diamond design guide. I really am lost and I sure hope some of you more experienced people can help, because the next step is the garbage can, but I spent $55.00 including postage on the material and zipper so I will try before I pitch it.
thanks in advance
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