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Old 12-07-2014, 05:50 AM
Geri B
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Originally Posted by Barb in Louisiana View Post
I have always thought that you could draw one copier page width, making sure that you are finishing where you can join the next width of paper to make the pattern continuous. Then make copies of that page. Next, tape them together. That would save having to draw each part and would make it relatively quick. I wonder, has anyone tried the make one design, copy it and then tape it together? Is it more trouble than it is worth?

Yes, I have done that...if I wanted a panto larger or smaller. I will use my proportional sizer....set copier, make a bunch of copies that size and then "join". It does work.........then at a garage sale I found two rolls of 8" I just put pattern on plexi L/A table under plastic cover put lite under table and roll out and hand copy to the length I want/ need.
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