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Old 12-20-2014, 05:30 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Central Willamette Valley, Oregon, USA
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IMHO- these discussions do serve a purpose. They allow us to discuss the problem in a non confrontational manner, work out how to approach the LAQ in this situation, and also help educate each other as to what should be discussed and decided up front, and if we don't get what was discussed, how to gently tell each other when we are unhappy with a job done for us. I spent many years accepting low quality workmanship, and lousy customer service, until the wonderful people here encouraged me to speak up, and how to do it effectively. Not so long ago, if T had been your customer, I would never have told you about the upside down quilting, I just would not hire you again, if anyone else noticed the problem, I would have just told them what you did wrong. That would be so unfair to you, but I did not know that before, and because you took the time to tell us about that incident, you have taught someone else what to do. Sometimes some posts are not real helpful, but usually there is some point in each post that I can apply elsewhere. Not all of us grew up knowing how to be constructive self- advocates. I like our friendly debates. I always learn something from them. (steps down off soap box) Merry Christmas and Happy Whatever holiday you celebrate this time of year!
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