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Old 01-08-2015, 06:34 AM
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Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
this happened to me with my grandson's birthday presents and some expensive Justice clothes I put in the box for my granddaughter. I kept asking them if they got the box, they kept saying no. I kept asking post office, they tracked it and kept saying it was at some facility. I kept asking why it was still there. they said no one probably updated progress, well, after 2-3 weeks of me hounding them, I got a letter in the mail, in that letter they said we are sorry, your pkg was destroyed and they put in the return address label, the shipping label, the tracking label and the postage label. And a form to fill out with all the contents and they would "try to locate it" I am sorry, but how does a box get completely destroyed and they have none of the contents and yet they have all the labels from the box to send to you??? I filled it all out, sent it back and didn't get one thing back. Not one thing and no compensation for the contents whatsoever. I am out all that money and my grandson who was 2, didn't get a birthday present and my granddaughter's clothes gone gone gone. I am not very trusting of the postal system anymore. Just thought I would share this story and I am sorry, it wasn't a quilt related post, but fit with the missing quilt post. Sorry but someone is enjoying your niece's quilt on their bed. And probably wearing my granddaughter's clothes and playing with my grandson's toys.

This is exactly what they send me Shayarene. When a box is taped within an inch of it's life how does it break open and they are able to retrieve all the labels but nothing else. My niece said this same P.O. ripped the corner off a box she sent her daughter that contained books. I'm thinking they did this, saw a gift bag with a quilt and thought someone would like that under their Christmas tree.

I've given up all hope of ever finding this again.
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