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Old 01-09-2015, 07:16 PM
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Location: Fingerlakes area, NYS
Posts: 225

Originally Posted by katier825
I added different sized borders to each tee shirt to make them all the same size. Then I used a wiggly stripe fabric as sashing to help tie the different colors shirts together. It might help to draw out on paper the different sizes you have and then figure what the largest is, to help figure how much you need to add for borders.

This is basically what I did too. I had a very small logo from one shirt and three very large ones and I did not want to eliminate any of those so figured out I needed 18" blocks, then added sashing, the largest logos had very narrow sashing and wider sashing for the smaller logos. It turned out great but it was frustrating at first trying to figure out how to do it. I think my avatar is my t shirt quilt, or it was.
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