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Old 01-19-2015, 12:14 PM
quilting jem
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Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: Mirboo, Australia
Posts: 68

I really don't mind that she's asked me to make these things. My sister's creativity doesn't venture into the world of needle and thread. Her art is confined to paints - she's an amazing artist, but is all fingers and thumbs when it comes my art.

I'm definately liking the idea of an i spy for her eldest.

When the last baby in the family was born, the gender was left as a surprise. By the time she came I was soooo sick of neutral colours! So it would be nice this time to get to play with colour.

I made a whole heap of little crochet jackets for her son, but as with babies, they don't wear well. That, and I didn't use pure wool, only because my sister would simply throw them in the washing machine. A pure wool one wouldn't have fitted a doll after that sort of treatment! But the jackets are super easy, only take a few hours to put one together.

I've roped our mother into helping - she's going to attempt to knit the blanket, or pass it across to her neighbour who knits beautifully.

So now its just deciding on patterns for a quilt...
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