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Old 01-07-2010, 08:24 AM
Nancy in Louisiana
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Customer service has gone the way of the dodo-bird, and I'm sure poor Sam Walton is rolling in his grave over what's happened to Walmart. Our local store had what they euphemistically call a "re-do", which meant the loss of fabrics along with a lot of other items in return for a limited inventory with shorter shelves. The people who work there are not happy, and pass on their "joy". The "old-timers" are now being managed by young supervision sorely in need of management skills. The kids who work there really don't give a rat's a-- about anything other than texting on their phones. Our particular Walmart serves a "depressed" area and has to contend with an alarming number of employee thefts. They are so desperate for employees now that the experienced ones got fed up and left, that they will hire just about any warm being 18 years of age and breathing. They come with the attitude that minimum wage is far beneath their dignity and that they don't need to put forth any effort for what they earn. Those few that do care about things like responsibility and respect aren't rewarded or recognized enough, so why bother when the guy next to them just shows up (when he feels like it) and gets the same pay and recognition. I HATE WALMART!!! And now the govt will be giving out so many perks that more is to be gained by just staying home. I really worry about the future for our kids' sakes.
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