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Old 01-29-2015, 07:05 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Jacksonville, FL
Posts: 374

This is just an idea and why it appeals to me.

I wish I could remember where I saw a quilt made from design-related blocks which were quite obviously not same sized blocks. The quilter arranged them so the different sized quilt blocks were "balanced" in the setting and made up the technicalities of the quilt with the sashing and "same color as sashing" border and binding. It looked as though the smaller blocks were surrounded with a wider sashing than the larger blocks. The blocks were not aranged "smaller blocks left and right side of horizontal row x, flowers exery other row, etc." I think the quilter played with the blocks until they pleased the eye.

The quilt appealed to my eye and brain. The different sizes and interesting setting made me really look at the quilt, its piecing, its setting, its quilting, its colors and I liked it. Unique. Not plain vanilla. Exciting.

It's been about 3 years since I could see and think on that level. Three years of sickness, surgery, care for the sick ones, death, estate work, getting things to the right places and people, selling a house that exists half a long state away, and finally the blessing of a wedding. Guess I am claiming and enjoying 2015 as my "not quite in the middle of the road" year.

Please show us what you decide. Thanks.

Please show us what you
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