Old 01-31-2015, 08:10 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Mar 2011
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OK I am back from Florida minus a few sewing machines plus a fractured sprained ankle - no panic - it is healing.
I do have to tell about teaching old men to sew. First we were camped at the Alafia River Rendezvous and you can google search that.... It is like a little town from 18th century. Everyone dresses the part and we all live in tents. I know, sewing machines aren't 18th century. Just only the patent. So we bent the rules a little and I took some and sold them - this year and last. Last year a man wanted one but didn't get one so he came looking for me and bought two machines - one for himself and one for his daughter - I taught her how to use hers. A couple days later I did show him how to use his. After about 2 hours he was getting the hang of it but later brought his pants to be hemmed. LOL... Next enter 2 gruffy old men and their younger friend - ahem he was our age.... One of the gruffy old men decided to buy a sewing machine. And he wanted to learn how to use it. So they all sat there and watched me teach him (I mean heckle the guy.) He got the hang of it but he never did make a stitch - go figure? So when he left with the younger man and the machine the other old man sat there and laughed. He said, "He isn't really going to use that machine. It's just bait." "Bait???" I ask. He just snorted, "His wife died two years ago and he can't manage on his own - he's going to try to get the widow across the street to teach him to sew so he can mend his pants...." Beware ladies it's a pretty little Singer 128 HC - I think he headed back to Pennsylvania... An elderly Seminole men showed up and bought a machine, picked it up and walked back to his camp - I thought - WOW he must be some specimen if he can haul that a mile. Well, it turned out he only made it so far, sold the machine and came back and bought another machine. So I ended up having to teach the guy that bought it from him how to use it. Ok so then another old guy shows up. He pays for the machine and leaves. He didn't come back for days - I figured he forgot he bought it. When he did come back it was dark - ever try to teach someone to sew in the dark in a tent??? Anyway he was getting it for his 10 year old grand daughter. He just wanted a few basics - we used a flash light. (cheat cheat)
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